“I need a hard money loan for three months maximum,” I hear our potential borrowers say all the time. “I have the right partners, the right contractors and we will be moving fast.” “How many properties have your flipped in the last two years?” I always ask them. The answer is typically none.
Hard Money Blog: Invest, Revitalize, Create, Prosper
Grow Your Hard Money Rehab ROI – Continued
This article is a continuation of our series on increasing your hard money rehab ROI. In the previous installment, we’ve discussed ways to strategically allocate your hard money rehab dollars to the areas that have the most impact on your sales price. Today, we will be tackling additional strategies. As a hard money lender, I’ve seen many of our experienced borrowers make their rehabs look more expensive than they actually are by getting the right materials and playing with modern design trends. Here are three best tricks of the trade to give you the bang for your rehab buck.
How To Use Hard Money to Rehab for ROI
The key to a successful rehab is to control your costs. That doesn’t mean, however, that you should use the cheapest materials. The trick is to think wisely and choose when to spend your rehab money and when to go with a budget option. As a hard money lender, I can testify that in our business it’s all about ROI. The goal is to create the most upscale look-and-feel for your property while keeping your costs down. Our most successful clients do so by concentrating their rehab money in strategic areas, using the right materials to get the most bang for the buck and by simply displaying good taste. Let’s unpack each of these recommendations.
The Power of Home Staging for Rehabbers
As a rehabber, your goal is to rehab and sell a home quickly and with as little hassle and expense as possible. It’s easy to get so caught up in the whirlwind of repairs and necessary maintenance that you forget the aesthetic power punch that professional home staging for rehabbers can bring to your property. I call it the magic of staging because that is exactly what it is—that final magic touch that will help you sell your rehabbed home quickly and for more money.
Hard Money Lender Advice on How To Manage Your Buyers: Part II
As a hard money lender, I want you to be aware of a disturbing trend that I’ve seen with many of our own properties. This trend is for buyers to pick your property apart and use the home inspection to renegotiate the price. You need to be aware – and be weary – of buyers who are fishing for a bargain and not emotionally vested in the transaction. They use the home inspection as a tool to renegotiate the price you’ve already agreed on. They demand more and more, and are ready to walk away from the contract if you don’t agree to meet their demands. As a hard money lender, I have several suggestions on how to handle such situations.
Hard Money Lender Advice on How To Manage Your Buyers: Part I
In our previous blogs we’ve talked about the art of pricing your newly renovated rehab property. To summarize it’s all about finding the balance between setting the highest price and not letting your property linger on the market. Let’s assume you’ve carefully done your homework and – voila! You now have an offer or two to ponder. It’s an exciting news, but as a grizzled hard money lender and a real estate investor, I have some words of caution. If you give in to wishful thinking and let your guard down at this stage, you can jeopardize the timely sale of your property. You might also lower its value in the eyes of potential buyers and kiss your best price good-bye. Do NOT get euphoric. Proceed with caution.