To be a successful investor you have to be a good marketer. Being a good marketer might mean different things to different people. For example, in real estate investing it might mean that you are cultivating a network of agents to dig for deals that fit your criteria. Alternatively, you might be a real estate auction pro investing time and effort bidding against other investors on the court house steps – hopefully wearing thermal underwear in winter. You might specialize in HUD properties and score good deals by watching your prospective deals like a hawk. Regardless of what you do, the outcome needs to be the same. You need to have enough marketing skills and real estate expertise to generate a consistent flow of quality leads.
Hard Money Blog: Invest, Revitalize, Create, Prosper
Get The Right Kind of Insurance For Your Next Rehab
As a hard money lender in DC area, I believe that there are two key areas that every investor should continuously work at. The first one is how to make money. It includes how to find good deals, how to manage your rehab process and how to build a good team that will propel you forward. The majority of your time as a real estate investor should be spent on tweaking, improving and learning from your success and mistakes in this area.
Practical Steps To Forming an LLC in Maryland
Today I want to talk in more detail about how to form an LLC in Maryland. As a hard money lender in MD I cannot emphasize enough the importance of protecting your profits and assets by not doing business in your personal name. You can read about all detailed reasons in our previous blog “Hard Money Lenders Love LLCs. Here is Why You Should Too,” but here is a quick summary.
The Magic of the MLS (Part 2)
Welcome to part two of our look at the Multiple Listing Service (MLS). As mentioned in the previous blog, the MLS is great tool for staying up to date on the most current properties available for investment. Metro DC Real Estate is fast moving and you need a way to track good deals and compare them to other deals. The MLS has a host of information for doing just that.
Trump and DC Real Estate Market
The dust might be settling on the explosive emergence of Donald Trump as the 45th President, but many questions remain. “What does his presidency mean for the country?” and “What does it mean for me and my family?” Trump made many promises during his campaign and only time will tell how many of them he will keep. However, one question that is near and dear to every local real estate investor is how Trump’s new administration will affect the DC real estate market and by extension the DC area rehab business.
The Magic of the MLS (Part 1)
A couple of days ago, I heard some people talking about a listing on the MLS. It seems one of them was looking to sell a nice single family home while the other was looking to buy a single family home. As I watched them do the negotiation dance, it occurred to me how much neither one of them understood the true opportunities that using the MLS brings. They really didn’t have a handle on dealing with DC real estate investments.